New Call for Arctic Five Chairs out soon!

Do you want to build research collaborations in the Fennoscandinavian Arctic? If so, take the opportunity to apply to become an Arctic Five Chair. The Arctic Five is launching a new call for Arctic Five Chairs at the end of January 2024! More information will be out soon.

The Arctic Five Chairs is the primary format for research collaboration within the Arctic Five, built from scholars with the will and capacity to build alliances within research and education between the Arctic five universities, forming new collaborations or strengthening existing ones. The objective is, firstly, to generate collaborations in research and education within the Arctic Five through a bottom-up approach; and secondly, to formulate broader fields of collaboration. The overarching aim is to improve the success of Arctic Five universities in securing external funding, and in this way, help meet our goal in finding research-based solutions to joint problems facing our northern societies.

An Arctic Five Chair is an already established scholar at an Arctic Five university, with either recent or ongoing research and/or educational collaborations with other Arctic Five partner universities, or who plans to establish such partnerships. Becoming an Arctic Five Chair will enable scholars to build these collaborations, whilst providing support for developing joint projects, as well as assistance with applying for larger funding calls. Applicants from all disciplines or fields of study are welcome to apply.

Each chair defines their field(s) of collaboration by framing their research focus and plans, including potential linkages with education (if applicable). A chair then builds alliances with colleagues at other Arctic Five universities and beyond. In addition, each chair is expected to participate in relevant Arctic Five events, contribute to the development of related Arctic Five activities, as well as promote the Arctic Five at their own university and beyond.

Successful applicants will work on their projects on a part time basis, with a guaranteed time-allocation of at least 20%, and an annual budget of 10 000 EUR to cover operational costs. Each Chair appointment is for a 2-year period, with the possibility of an additional 1-year extension (without additional funding).

Full details on eligibility, application form, and evaluation criteria will be available at at the end of January, 2024.

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