Arctic Five Chair in Healthy Ageing and One Health

Anastasia Emelyanova

Portrait of Anastasia Emelyanova, Arctic Five Chair in Healthy Ageing and One Health.
Anastasia Emelyanova

Anastasia Emelyanova, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Oulu University.

I will focus on the human-environmental relationships and promoting sustainable development in the Nordic Arctic region via cooperation with collaborators

Researching healthy ageing and age-friendly communities

Anastasia Emelyanova’s project as Arctic Five Chair will focus on the human-environmental relationships and promoting sustainable development in the Nordic Arctic region. The design of the planned empirical research is cross-sectional and involve a tailored questionnaire to the cohort of older residents in various scale urban and rural settlements. 

Research group

  • Dr. Agneta Larsson from Luleå Univ of Technology (LUT)
  • Dr. Shahnaj Begum from Univ of Lapland (UL)
  • Prof. Päivi Naskali from Univ of Lapland (UL)
  • Prof. Bodil Hansen Blix from UiT Arctic Univ of Norway
  • Dr. Javier Sanchez Romano from UiT Arctic Univ of Norway
  • Prof. Morten Tryland from UiT Arctic Univ of Norway
  • Prof. Birgitta Evengård from Umeå University (UMU)
During Anastasia Emelyanova’s first year as Arctic Five Chair she plan to:
The impact of COVID-19 physical distancing measures on the social isolation and loneliness of older people in the Russian NorthEdited and revised above book chapter of the AGE-Arctic project, that is led by UL
Autumn 2022
Healthy ageing and infrastructureDeveloping above joint new project with Dr. Agneta Larsson, senior lecturer att Luleå University of Technology
Settlement planning in Russian policy and practice: Is aging in the focus?Publishing above book chapter in collaboration with the finalizing projects NORRUS-AGE and Northern Dimension Institute ThinkTank project
Education activities in collaborationTogether with UArctic Thematic Networks, especially the networks Health and Well-being in the Arctic, where Anastasia serve as a Vice-Lead, and Ageing and Gender in the Arctic, especially with partner universities UL and UMU
Joint activities within the new funded Clinf-Green project Led by Professor Birgitta Evengård, Umeå University
Joint development activities of the MA course One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems in the Nordic network Led by UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Seminar and/or lecture: Doctoral course In cooperation with University of Oulu Graduate School (UniOGS) or the UArctic networks Health and Well-being in the Arctic in cooperation with Clinf-Green project.
Online/ UOulu: Kvantum Institute brown bag seminar
  • Blog post at the UOulu/ UArctic involving colleagues from LUT and UL
  • Conferences and congresses presentations

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